Walk Through that Door | Luke 13:22-30 | Gary Hamrick

3 years ago

The Bible describes salvation like a gate or a door.  It is open to all, but it is narrow and it won’t stay open forever.  We are invited to walk through that door of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.  He will take us just as we are—broken and bruised, dirty and ashamed—and He will make us whole!  Follow along with Pastor Gary in today’s teaching from Luke 13

00:00 - Welcome
00:42 - Introduction
10:18 - The Door of Salvation
10:22 - 1) The door is open but it is narrow
16:40 - 2) The door will not stay open forever
21:21 - 3) The door is open to ALL
24:26 - 4) The door is JESUS

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