Paradox Principles for Life | Luke 09 | Gary Hamrick

3 years ago

There are several times that the Bible uses paradoxes as teaching tools.  A paradox is “a statement that seems contradictory or absurd but is actually valid or true.”  Pastor Gary takes a look at five paradoxes that seem contradictory but are, in fact, important principles for us.  These are counterintuitive statements from God that prove to be true and valuable lessons for life.

00:00 - Welcome
00:42 - Introduction
08:55 - Definition of Paradox
10:31 - 1) To be GREAT, you must be LEAST
15:38 - 2) To be STRONG, you must be WEAK
19:32 - 3) To be WISE, you must be a FOOL
24:53 - 4) To RECEIVE you must GIVE
29:09 - 5) To FIND your life, you must LOSE it

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