The Theology of Tragedy | Luke 13 | Gary Hamrick

3 years ago

All of our lives will be touched by something tragic at some point—death, disease, grief, sorrow, betrayal, abuse, etc.—you name it, we live in a world corrupted by sin and evil and it is unavoidable.  And yet, how do we reconcile all this with an all-loving God who allows these things to happen?  In today’s study, Pastor Gary draws on a passage from Luke 13 dealing with two tragic events that resulted in the deaths of many people.  We will examine what Jesus teaches us about dealing with tragedy in our lives in today’s study entitled, “The Theology of Tragedy.”

00:00 - Welcome
00:42 - Introduction
01:39 - The Theology of Tragedy
04:49 - 1) Some question the EXISTENCE of God
08:10 - 2) Some question the GOODNESS of God
15:47 - How do we deal with tragedies in our lives?
15:55 1) Tragedy is the natural consequence of a world polluted by sin
23:37 - 2) Tragedy does not mean that someone is a “worse sinner”
27:28 - 3) Tragedy is not all related to God’s judgement; However, God’s judgement is the ultimate tragedy

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