Don´t look now, but gold & silver are being used as money again

2 years ago

Don´t look now, but #gold & #silver are being used as money again

Throughout all of the political and military theater of the past few months, one subtle transition has been that gold and silver are actually being used as money again.

Perhaps the dollar isn´t backed by gold or silver (yet), but the recent actions by Russia, as well as the activity by retail silver investors does show that the idea of #preciousmetals as #money is hardly a conspiracy theory anymore.

But to find out what silver experts Peter Krauth, author of The Great Silver Bull, and Andrew Pollard of Blackrock Silver think about the recent trend, click to watch this video now!


To find out more about Blackrock Silver go to:

To get a copy of Peter´s new book The Great Silver Bull go to:


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To see the evidence of manipulative behavior in the silver market (as well as how you can send it to your local regulators and Congressional representatives) click here:


To sign the petition to ban JP Morgan from having any involvement in the silver industry click here:


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