His Glory Presents: Bible Study: Jeremiah 24

2 years ago

His Glory Presents: Bible Study: Jeremiah 24


· King Nebuchadnezzar II

o King of Babylon (605–562 BC)

§ 2 Ki 24:1, 10-17; 25:1-22

§ 1 Ch 6:15

§ 2 Ch 36:5-21

§ Eze 17:11-14

Conquered Jerusalem & the Kingdom of Judah Fell (586 B.C.)

§ Attacked Jerusalem 3 times before conquering it completely

0. 601 BC (Exile)

1. 597 BC (Exile)

2. 586 BC (Exile)

o King Jehoiakim became his servant for 3 years before rebelling against him.

o His son, Evil-Merodach, gave King Jeconiah (Jehoiachin) favor by releasing him from prison (2 Ki 25:27-30).

o Same Babylonian King mentioned in the book of Daniel

o The "Babylonian Chronicle" is an ancient inscription narrating the first 11 years of his reign (see Graphics)

o The "Brick of Nebuchadnezzar II" (see Graphics)

· Jeconiah (Aka: Jehoiachin)

o King of Judah (598-597 BC; Evil)

§ 2 Ki 24:6-17

§ 1 Ch 3:16–17

§ 2 Ch 36:8–10

§ Eze 1:2; 17:11-21

§ 2 Ki 25:27-30

§ Mt 1:11-12

§ Es 2:5-7

o Son of King Jehoiakim

o Nephew of King Zedekiah (597-586 BC; Evil)

o Began to reign at 18 yrs old

o Reigned for only 3 months and 10 days

o Surrendered to King Nebuchadnezzar and was brought to Babylon with the other Jews into exile

o Replaced (by King Nebuchadnezzar) with his brother, Zedekiah (Judah's final king before falling to Babylon completely)

o Ezekiel prophesied while Jeconiah was in exile in Babylon

o Was freed from prison by Evil-Merodach king of Babylon (successor of Nebuchadnezzar II) after 37+ years and given favor above the other imprisoned kings of Judah, eating at the king's table and receiving an allowance as long as he lived.

o Listed in Matthew's genealogy of Christ

o Esther's cousin Mordecai was carried away to Babylon from Jerusalem in the same exile as King Jeconiah.

· Jehoiakim

o King of Judah (608-598 BC; Evil)

§ 2 Ki 23:34–37; 24:2-9, 19

§ 1 Ch 3:15–16

§ 2 Ch 36:4–6, 8

§ Da 1:1–2

o Son of King Josiah (640-609 BC; Good)

o Brother of King Jehoahaz (609 BC; Evil) and King Zedekiah (597-586 BC; Evil)

o Placed into power by Pharaoh Neco (King of Egypt, 26th Dynasty) who changed his name from Eliakim to Jehoiakim

o Began to reign at 25 yrs old

o Reigned 11 years in Jerusalem

o Became King Nebuchadnezzar's servant for 3 years of his reign. He then rebelled and the LORD sent the Chaldeans, Syrians, Moabites, and Ammonites against Judah to destroy it.


· Kingdom of Judah

· Jerusalem

· Babylon

· Egypt

Key Dates / Timeline of Events

· 640 B.C. Josiah becomes King of Judah

· 627 B.C. Jeremiah begins his ministry

· 622 B.C. Discovery of the Book of the Law by King Josiah (Reformation)

· 609 B.C. Pharaoh Neco kills Josiah in battle and set Jehoiakim as King od Judah

· 605 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar invades Judah and takes exiles to Babylon

· 597 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar besieges Jerusalem and takes King Jeconiah (Jehoiachin) as prisoner

· 588 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar begins his final siege of Jerusalem

· 586 B.C. Fall of Jerusalem to Babylon; Judah in exile in Babylon

Key Terms

· Fig Tree

o "The sycamore was prized not only as a food source but also for its soft but durable lumber, which the Egyptians used extensively for utensils and coffins. The trees provided shade and their spreading branches, which start low on the tree, made them easy to climb. Just before sycamore figs are picked, the end of the fruit where the flower was must be pierced or incised to insure proper ripening." (Myers, Richard. Logos Bible Images. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012.)

o Cf: 1 Ki 10:27, 1 Ch 27:28, Is 9:10, Am 7:14, Jer 24:1–10, Lk 19:4

o A fig tree that failed in its purpose of bearing figs was cursed by Jesus (Matt. 21:18–19), perhaps as a metaphor for the temple, which he thought had failed to bear proper religious fruit (cf. Mark 11:12–25). (Patricia L. Crawford, “Fig,” ed. Mark Allan Powell, The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary (Revised and Updated) (New York: HarperCollins, 2011), 288.)

o “The bad figs may have been such either from having decayed, and thus been reduced to a rotten condition, or as being the fruit of the sycamore, which contains a bitter juice” (Tristram, Nat. Hist.). The inferiority of the fruit is here referred to as an emblem of the rejected Zedekiah and his people. (M. G. Easton, Illustrated Bible Dictionary and Treasury of Biblical History, Biography, Geography, Doctrine, and Literature (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1893), 490.)

Cross References

There are appx. 220 Cfs found for Jeremiah 24. The following are some main highlights.

· Le 26:12

· Dt 28:25, 37; 30:6

· 1 Ki 9:6-9

· 2 Ki 24:10-17; 25:1–21

· 2 Ch 6:38-39; 7:19-20; 36:1-21

· Eze 11:19-20; 14:21; 36:22-38

· Is 28:1-4

· Jer 1:10-11; 7:23; 13:18–19; 14:12; 15:4; 16:15; 18:7-9; 20:1-6; 21:7-10; 22:24-25; 25:17-18; 29:1-2, 17-18, 22; 30:22; 31:31-34; 32:38-39; 34:7, 17; 37:5; 44:12; 52:4–27

· Ho 9:10

· Am 7:14; 8:1-2

· Mic 7:1

· Nah 3:12

· Heb 8:10

· Lk 19:4

· Re 21:3
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