@Aja the Empress 🦖👑 re: “Doxxing” your girlfriend -Creeps WILL be called out, male & female creeps

2 years ago

I saw your slanderous comment during the livestream today, but I ignored you because it was childish, and deeply inappropriate to the space to get into an argument with you during another woman’s conversation in another woman’s space. But I’ll respond to it now.

I see that you are STILL misrepresenting and twisting the narrative around your girlfriends sexual harassment of me in a deceitful way. I see you are STILL going around to different feminist spaces looking to discredit me by slanderous claims that I “doxxed” your girlfriend ‘DJ Lippy’. You and I both know this is false, I never did anything of the sort.

What you are really attacking me for is standing up for myself and exposing how your creepy girlfriend treated me when I was BRAND NEW in the community, Aja, and it’s repugnant. You are trying to bully me for speaking up about her treatment of me, providing receipts. Bevause that’s what I do- I teach my daughters how to stand up for themselves by showing them how I stand up for *myself*. Your girlfriend was disgusting towards me when I was new to the community, and I called her out on it. And *thats* the real problem here: that I exposed your girlfriend foe the misogynist that she is. And now you are exposing *yourself* for the misogynist that *you are*.

The incident was over half a year ago and I haven’t even mentioned either of your names in months, and yet you are, still today, harassing me publicly and making slanderous claims about me which threaten my work reputation, and it’s going to stop TODAY.

• The original “bath” video where Katy criticized me for “performing femininity” is here: Why “Transmen” Still Need Feminism

• My response video where they claimed I “doxxed” Katy is here: Dear TITILATED FADFEMS: Get off my tits

I came to this community to fight gender ideology, and discovered a second hidden problem which is that we have a serious misogyny problem in the “radfem”/GC community. The way I’ve been treated and sexualized is not ok, and since speaking up about DJ Lippy’s behavior, I have had *countkess* women reach about and express to me how much they relate to my experience and how poorly they’ve been treated in these so-called “feminist” spaces by so-called “feminists” like you and your girlfriend.

THE WAY YOUR GIRLFRIEND AND HER BUDDIES TREATED ME WAS GROSS. Full stop. I felt disgusting and degraded in a way I haven’t felt since I was a very young woman.

I did your girlfriend the respect of censoring her name in this video I made in response to her:
And you STILL have the audacity to continue to attack me abs try to damage my reputation.

Since you want to continue to post around me, and to a ser me to other people and in shared spaces, and threaten my work- rather than be woman enough to reach out to me directly - then I’ll deal with this hopefully *one last time*.

I’ve had enough from both of you. You are a sexual harassment apologist, Aja. And if you have a problem, come to ME about it.

You are exactly like the women who will attack their husbands sexual harassment victims, rather than confront their husband about his behavior towards other women. Shame on you AND her. The two of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Keep my name out of your mouth after this, and I will do the same.

I’m not play with either of you. I have important work to do and you two are not my focus.

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