Julian Assange's Last Interview

4 years ago

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This video was produced by the World Ethical Data Forum (WEDF) and published on September 20, 2018. acTVism Munich republished it today to foster understanding on the issues discussed in this video as well as on the Julian Assange case.

This interview was the first time Julian Assange had been heard from after his communication channels were cut off by the Ecuadorian embassy in March, 2018. The interview proved also to be the very last time he was heard from, as on 11th April 2019, Assange was carried out from the embassy by UK police and taken to Belmarsh Prison on the charge of having breached his bail conditions. He has since spent most of his time in solitary confinement and on January 4, 2021, a British court will decide whether he will be extradited to the United States.

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