12/28/20 Mon: Tony Blair's NWO; Nashville Bombing; N-word Drama; RINOs

4 years ago

0:00 Stream start
0:41 What I'll cover
4:21 Homeless guy
11:22 Tony Blair, NWO
20:21 Earl in MI
31:03 Social Pariah in CO
37:10 Nashville bombing
46:22 Trump caves?
49:48 G in CA
59:37 What is a Rubicon
1:02:18 "Gone" by Jon Parfitt
1:05:30 Super Chats
1:12:34 T in AL
1:22:38 Tony in CA
1:28:34 Kira in FL
1:32:25 Briefly on Sidney Powell
1:33:34 Phony N-word drama
1:45:31 RIP Ty Jordan
1:50:25 RINOs betray USA
2:00:01 Thanks, all!

Also check out Hake News from today.
Malicious homeless guy!
Covid news: Tony Blair pushing control-freakish "leadership," etc.
Nashville RV bombing: FBI, local authorities/officials, ehh...
Sidney Powell: real or fake, right or wrong?
Trump election fight: "grifter" scam? RINOs vs helpers...
White female student used racial slurs on-video as a high school freshman!
University football star died by shooting himself in the hip. SMH. Ty Jordan (2001-2020)

Earl from Michigan says James won’t let T talk. An Ohio man Andre Hill died by policeman Adam Coy.
Social Pariah from Colorado is going to DC to show support for The President on January 6th.
G from California exposes what’s really going on, and encourages becoming men of God again.
T from Alabama says Hake exploits viewers and cast the Nashville bomber in sympathetic light.
Tony from California wonders what’s going on with us being so destructive, like the Nashville guy.
Kira from Florida talks about a fire that destroyed a building in NY around Christmas.

BLOG POST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2020/12/28/122820-mon-tony-blairs-nwo-nashville-bombing-n-word-drama-rinos

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show and produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND a nonprofit dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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