T2: The Arcade Game (Actual SNES Capture) - Super Scope + Mouse Playthrough

2 years ago

This is a capture of me and a friend playing through T2: The Arcade Game for the SNES. This is not an emulator. This footage was recorded directly from my Super Nintendo using an actual T2: The Arcade Game cartridge. Drew is player one and is using the Super NES Mouse. I'm player two and I'm using the Super Scope light gun. The Mouse is displayed as the blue cursor on screen and the Super Scope is the red cursor.

T2: The Arcade Game is one of only two SNES games (the other being Operation Thunderbolt) to support both the Super Scope and the Super NES Mouse simultaneously. A few years ago one of my viewers gave me the idea to try using both peripherals by asking if the game supported the two controllers at the same time. I'm actually surprised that I didn't come up with the idea myself, but I'm glad this viewer suggested it because it's a really fun way to play through this game, and it's far better than using a D-pad.

To do this, you need a CRT TV (the Super Scope won't work with HDTVs), and you must plug the Super Scope receiver into controller port two. You also need to start the game by pressing the fire button on the Super Scope (not the Mouse) so that the game will change its color palette to detect the light gun.

Like I said before, I would rank the different controllers from best to worst as follows: Super Scope, Mouse, standard SNES controller. Although the Mouse is very smooth and responsive, the cursor moves a little too slow for my liking, and there's no way to adjust its speed. Also, you don't have the benefit of looking down the sights on a light gun. So overall, I find the Super Scope to be the best controller for this game due to its unparalleled speed and built-in sights. But the Mouse has the benefit of not changing the game's color palette (unless you're also using the Super Scope). The default SNES controller is slow and clunky and I do not like playing the game with it.

Drew and I had a lot of fun playing through the game with these two control schemes. Although we failed the notoriously difficult truck mission once, we passed the SWAT van mission without failing and managed to destroy all of the equipment in the Cyberdyne mission, giving us the best ending in the game.

If you have all the hardware, I highly recommend you try this. It's truly unique since even the Sega Genesis port didn't support both a light gun and a mouse (only the Menacer light gun). But if you have a Sega Genesis and a CRT TV, try the Menacer and a joystick together and let me know how it goes (don't get me wrong. Despite being a Nintendo fan, I love the Sega Genesis). I'd actually love for someone to post a full playthrough using the Menacer.

Recorded with the Hauppauge HD PVR and the official SNES S-video cable at 60 frames per second. I used a Toshiba model D-R550 DVD Recorder to upconvert the SNES's native 240p signal to 480i so that the Hauppauge could capture the console's audio/video signal.

Since the Hauppauge only outputs to the TV using component video (a format not supported on my old CRT TV), I used my distribution amplifier to split the SNES's audio/video signal and send one set of cables to the CRT TV while sending the other set of cables to the DVD Recorder/Hauppauge HD PVR combo.

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