726 Harpazo- Word From JESUS Received Today- Will Not Tarry-Grace-Hear His Voice & Obey His Commands

2 years ago

Message Received at 5:08 this morning after waking up at 3:47. Psalm 34:The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him,
And delivers them.
8 Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good;
Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!
9 Oh, fear the Lord, you His saints!
There is no want to those who fear Him.
JESUS: Tarry, Words matter. I am the Word! I will be judging every idle word spoken. They use My name and speak glowing words of their testimony, but they are not My sheep. They are not about My Father's business. They do not wake early to talk to Me. They do not know My voice and follow Me. They are always seeking attention for themselves and don't care for the oppressed, the widow, the orphan, the children of divorced parents. Why do they twist My words when I say, "I hate divorce"? (Malachi 2:16) I AM GOD, and I am not a man that I should lie. I have spoken- "You shall not commit adultery, " and I have sent My servants, the prophets and watchmen, to warn even believers of the judgment coming to those hypocrites, liars, cowards, unholy, lovers of pleasure, angry, murderous tongued, proud, unclean, lustful people.

They pick a few verses, and then elevate themselves as being My chosen teachers. I did not call them to teach. They are storing up My wrath on the day of judgment. The rapture IS a day of judgment on the unrighteous. They say that My people are not to judge, but they twist My words and make vain excuses for their continual sins against Me and My Father. We will not despise a broken and contrite heart. Many, however, make a show of their repentance with many tears, but their hearts are still far from Me- Esau's that will be left behind. Others think that they repented years ago, but they are dead men walking, programmed to do the same dead works week after week, and on the broad road to hell. Hell is real, but they deny Me and lie about My perfect Law and Judgment.

I will draw close to anyone who repents and draws close to Me in Spirit and in truth. Today, if you hear My voice, do not harden your heart. I am the Good Shepherd, and I have unfailing love for My sheep. My love is deliverance and healing for your broken heart. I am the Great I AM, long-suffering and not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance. Repent! Repent! Now Repent! They don't know the day and hour I am coming, and I am coming, so repent. Don't just say, "Lord, Lord" and do not obey My commands. My commands are not burdensome. Cast your cares upon Me, acknowledge Me, Jesus of Nazareth, in all your ways, and I will make your paths straight. Call on My name for your rescue. Trust Me in your times of trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give Me glory forever and ever. I, your Savior, am waiting to give you a new, tender, responsive heart that obeys My commands. If they do not listen, they are rejecting My Holy Spirit who is given to each one the Father has given Me- John 17. I have prayed for you, and your prayers are a pleasing aroma to us in heaven.

Angels are protecting My people too, and do pray without ceasing, and let your lips praise My holy name. I have much to say about the wicked, and Tarry, your Bible study yesterday on the word "wicked" pleased Me, and walk in the fear of the Lord and in wisdom. I freely give wisdom to those who ask and seek Me with all their hearts.

The last days are here, and I will not delay My coming, so be ready at all times. My bride will not be going through the Tribulation. These blind guides and false teachers will be judged. Woe to those who misrepresent My grace and make silly, worthless excuses to deliberately continue in sin. Woe to those who are in ministry who say that God's grace is cheap and blind to sin. Fornicators, adulterers and all the deviant sexually immoral will be condemned. I do not change. I am gracious to all who call on Me to be saved from sin and reject the lusts of the flesh to obtain the gift of salvation. There is abundant grace and victory by My blood shed on the cross.

Yes, Tarry, the devil is prowling looking for whom he can destroy and tempting through demon possessed people. But do not be afraid, whether you live or die, you are Mine and coming to My throne. Those who mourn will be comforted when they call on Me. Some who are young when they die were called for that homecoming to be protected from evil. Pray for the lost who are mourning that they will seek Me with all their heart and find Me. You are My witnesses, servants and chosen for this time to be fully devoted, salty, letting your light shine, righteous, loving, hating evil, hearing My voice and doing My work. Persevere, dear one, look up and see the day approaching.

Love must be without hypocrisy. Hate evil. Cling to what is good. Choose today to serve Me in thought, word and deed. Abide in Me. Trust in Me. Today could be the day of the rapture; you do not know. Tell the people not to presume on My grace, and that I will not excuse divorce and remarriage. message continues.

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