Follow the Science - Drop the Federal Mandates (Canada)

2 years ago

Name of MP
Street Address
City/Town, Postal Code

Date: 2022-06-08

With all due respect (insert name)

My question is this: what science is the Liberal/NDP government following that is preventing them from dropping the federal mandates? Do they have a different set of science than the provinces? Provinces dropped the passport. Businesses are back to full capacity. Mask mandates have been lifted. We are learning to live with COVID and build up what this government has deemed a dirty word since they realized the vaccine wasn’t going to do it, ‘herd immunity’ (or at least the best job at it), thanks to Omicron. Is that not the idea? The passport system does not prevent transmission of SARS-COV2 because the vaccine does not prevent transmission of SARS-COV-2. PERIOD. The general public is well aware that the passports were only put in place to “encourage”/coerce vaccination. The gig is up.

It is fair to state the government CANNOT mandate an experimental drug under Emergency Use Authorization when there is NO EMERGENCY. Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects our right to “life, liberty, and security of the person.” It guarantees our legal rights, which protect our personal autonomy and bodily integrity from laws or actions by the government that violate those rights. Right now, this government is violating those rights. It is also illegal to restrict Canadians from freedom of movement. I am writing this letter to call for the unconstitutional travel mandates to be dropped, including cross border and interprovincial mandates for truck drivers, and to give all federal employees their jobs back that have illegally been put on Leave Without Pay or fired. This includes the mandate currently being infused into the Labour Code. There should also be no difference in testing when both factions can still catch and transmit COVID-19.

Denying natural immunity is anti-science. A study in Israel based on 2.5 million people (reviewed by CDC), showed double vaccinated individuals are ~ 13 times more likely to contract the virus than those with a previous infection and ~ 7 times more likely to show symptomatic disease, and that was during the Delta wave. (Sivan Gazit, 2021) The Omicron variant, deemed “nature’s vaccine”, protects against other variants (which is another reason why it took over as the dominant strain) and against itself. Reinfection with Omicron after having Omicron is extremely rare, but meanwhile carries numerous mutations associated with increased transmissibility and immune escape from the vaccines.

SARS-CoV-2 infection induces specific and durable T-cell immunity and Memory B-cell response to SARS-CoV-2 and it evolves after infection, which is consistent with longer-term protection. (Nina Le Bert, 2020) So why does this government not recognize natural immunity in governmental policy when previous infection is stronger and lasts longer than the vaccine? Again, what science are you following?
Then the announcement came on incidental cases. Public Health, politicians, and mainstream media (MSM) have been deceiving citizens for over two years now of who has been hospitalized and/or died “with COVID” vs. “from COVID” at an exaggeration rate of up to 50%.

As the Pfizer data from the Freedom for Information request, so reluctantly released, continues to be disseminated, many medical concerns and adverse events have surfaced. You would think this would be important safety data for Canadians. But this government and the media they control have not referenced it at all. In just three months, from December 2020 to February 2021, the Pfizer data from the Freedom for Information request showed 42,086 case reports had been reported with 158,893 events, ~ 24,000 which were considered of special interest/of concern and over 14,000 considered serious with 1,223 deaths. 11,361 people were not recovered at the time of the report, 520 recovered with sequelae, and 9,400 outcomes were still unknown. (Worldwide Safety - Pfizer, 2021) A summary of relevant events of special interest is shown below:

Adverse Event of Special Interest

No. of Cases: 2958
Fatal : 9
Serious: 2341
Non-Serious: 617

Cardiovascular I.e. myocarditis, pericarditis, cardiac arrhythmias
No. of Cases: 1441
Fatal: 136
Serious: 946
Non-Serious: 495
Relevant onset latency: Median < 24 hours

No. of Cases: 3359
Fatal: 136
Serious: 2585
Non-Serious: 774
Relevant onset latency: Median 5 days

Dermatological I.e. Chillblain, Erythema
No. of Cases: 20
Fatal: 0
Serious: 16
Non-Serious: 4
Relevant onset latency: Median 3 days

Haematological I.e. haemorrhages, haematomas
No. of Cases: 1080
Fatal: 34
Serious: 681
Non-Serious: 399
Relevant onset latency: Median 1 day

Hepatic I.e., Liver related investigations
No. of Cases: 94
Fatal: 5
Serious: 53
Non-Serious: 41
Relevant onset latency: Median 3 days

Facial Paralysis
No. of Cases: 453
Fatal: 0
Serious: 399
Non-Serious: 54
Relevant onset latency: Median 2 days

No. of Cases: 1077
Fatal: 12
Serious: 780
Non-Serious: 297
Relevant onset latency: Median < 24 hours

Musculoskeletal I.e. arthritis, fatigue syndrome
No. of Cases: 3640
Fatal: 0
Serious: 1614
Non-Serious: 2026
Relevant onset latency: Median 1 day

Neurological I.e. convulsions, epilepsy, Guillain-Barre
No. of Cases: 542
Fatal: 16
Serious: 515
Non-Serious: 27
Relevant onset latency: Median 1 day

Other I.e. Herpes, MERS, Multi-organ dysfunction
No. of Cases: 8242
Fatal: 96
Serious: 3674
Non-Serious: 4568
Relevant onset latency: Median 1 day

Renal I.e. kidney injury, renal failure
No. of Cases: 70
Fatal: 23
Serious: 70
Non-Serious: 0
Relevant onset latency: Median 1 day

No. of Cases: 137
Fatal: 41
Serious: 126
Non-Serious: 11
Relevant onset latency: Median 1 day

Thromboembolic I.e., embolism, thrombosis
No. of Cases: 168
Fatal: 18
Serious: 165
Non-Serious: 3
Relevant onset latency: Median 4 days

No. of Cases: 300
Fatal: 61
Serious: 300
Non-Serious: 0
Relevant onset latency: Median 2 days

No. of Cases: 34
Fatal: 1
Serious: 25
Non-Serious: 9
Relevant onset latency: Median 3 days

Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease/VAERD
No. of Cases: 317
Fatal: 38
Serious: 138
Non-Serious: 179

However, they concluded no ‘NEW’ safety concerns were found. As in, they don’t find it concerning because these adverse events weren’t new? This Liberal government shows no concern, especially for injuries in younger healthy people who have next to zero risk from dying from COVID itself. This government did not react or inform the public of these adverse events and continue to mandate people to take these experimental shots without informed consent. It is negligent and an abuse of power to uphold these mandates with no accountability. Most injuries appear within a day or so, further validating the cause, yet many of the injured are reporting that their doctors aren’t reporting their injuries and are being gaslit for saying anything at all. What has happened to medical care since this pandemic started? Federal policy.

The trial data discussed above showed that Myocarditis was expected to occur 0.53/million doses. More recent data collected up until August, 2021, as the Pfizer data only shows the first three months since distribution which had mostly the older age categories and not many in under 18 category as they weren’t distributing it to that age group yet, shows that it is actually 70.73 cases/million doses for 12-15 year olds, which is 133 times more likely event in this age group than originally concluded. (Matthew E. Oster, David K. Shay, John R. Su, & al, 2022) For 16-17 year olds, it was expected to have 1.34 cases/million doses, turned out to be 105.9/million doses (or 1.07 in 10,000), which has the highest odds for any age group and 79 times its projection. Do you think it is acceptable to give this many children myocarditis? For a healthy young child at low risk from having severe disease from COVID, an adverse event would put them at higher risk should they get COVID considering the vaccines do not stop you from contracting it, as well as unknown long-term heart damage. Overall, the data looks concerning for heart issues for people under the age of 40. Why isn’t there a change in policy after this event analysis? Typically, a trial would be cancelled when the outcome is not adequately forecasted to this extent, let alone the extreme concern for young healthy people.

Another study looks at Emergency Events in Israel discovered that there was a 25% increase in cardiac arrests in 16-39 year olds and 26% in acute coronary syndrome during the Pfizer vaccination periods. (Christopher L. F. Sun, 2022) The data from the vaccine rollout was measured against the database for emergency services and also compared with the same period of time in 2019 and 2020. “The findings raised concerns regarding vaccine-induced undetected severe cardiovascular side-effects and underscore the already established causal relationship between vaccines and myocarditis, a frequent cause of unexpected cardiac arrest in young individuals.” and “Moreover, several comprehensive studies demonstrate that myocarditis is a major cause of sudden, unexpected deaths in adults less than 40 years of age and assess that it is responsible for 12-20% of these deaths.” The data showed a direct positive correlation with the timing of the vaccine rollout and EMS calls for cardiac arrest, most specifically with the second dose. EMS calls were also decoupled from the COVID waves in concluding that the vaccine was the most probable cause. A similar study in Denmark showed similar results. This is critical to better understanding risk-benefit of the vaccine, inform related public health policy (which this government seems to refuse to do), and prevent potentially avoidable patient harm. Does this Liberal government intend to investigate this in Canada, examining EMS calls to vaccine rollout time periods? I am sure we can fix that with an Access to Information request.

As for children, a peer-reviewed study on 365,502 children aged 5-11 found that vaccine effectiveness falls to 12% after 28 days in children for catching SARS COV-2. (Vajeera Dorabawila, 2022). With vaccines becoming ineffective a few weeks after inoculation, it is absurd to expect children to require a vaccine, especially considering no knowledge of long-term data and given the risks of vaccine injury with the slightest benefit. This standard is actually below the threshold the CDC had set for being an acceptable vaccine. Further, if the “efficacy” drops this low after just one month, what happens in the long-term? What effects does this have on their natural immune system? Healthy children have shown great immune response to COVID naturally without the vaccine. Ronald McDonald House is mandating the vaccine for families aged 5 and up or they cannot stay there. Tim Hortons will not sponsor children for Summer camps without it. This is discrimination and should not be allowed. What is this government going to do about it? Ontario Liberal Leader Steven Del Duca says he will add the COVID-19 vaccination to the list of mandatory immunizations for school children if elected premier. Need I remind you - this is still under Emergency Use Authorization when there is not even any emergency. He says, “the science is settled on this.” What science?

Efficacy erodes with every shot faster than you can safely take a booster, “European Union regulators warned that frequent Covid-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune response and may not be feasible.” (Bloomberg, 2022). Taking a shot every four months has been found to have a negative effect on the immune system. This following Israeli study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), shows that the efficacy of the 4th vaccine dose dwindles within 4 weeks and the efficacy reduces from 65% to 22% within 10 weeks. You physically cannot take a booster safely, faster than it wears off or it will weaken your immune system, increase odds of adverse events, and make you more susceptible to the virus. (Yinon M. Bar-On, 2022). Considering taking multiple boosters reduces safety and efficacy, boosters should not be mandated. Yet here this government announced on April 5th, 2022, their consideration in upgrading the mandate to include the booster and has referenced the return of the passport in the Fall. The risk-benefit trade-off has drastically shifted since Omicron, yet this government doesn’t recognize that or the additional information coming out from repeated doses or the fact that most of the population has been infected already. The symptoms for most people are that of a mild head cold.

Excess mortality. The World Health Organization made a news release on May 5th, 2022, that there were 14.9 million excess deaths associated with the pandemic in 2020 and 2021. (World Health Organization, 2022). At the time, there were approximately 6.2 million deaths reported from COVID, although it is unknown how many still included incidental deaths. Regardless, the data shows that 1.4 times the amount of people died indirectly from the pandemic, whether it be from not receiving health care for other conditions, results from lockdown (suicide, starvation/unable to afford food due to unemployment, etc.), deteriorated health (not exercising, eating takeout, etc.), increase in cancer, vaccination, etc., there is a clear picture that mismanagement of this pandemic, weak health care systems, and poor health played a major hand. 84% of the excess deaths were in South-East Asia, Europe, and the Americas. It is also worth noting that only 4% of excess death came from low-income countries with little to no vaccination.

Brook Jackson worked for the trial testing facilities for Ventavia and witnessed a multitude of infractions including: unblinding patients, lack of follow-up on adverse events, mislabelled specimens, targeting staff for reporting issues, unreported protocol deviations, data falsification, and vaccines stored at incorrect temperatures. (BMJ, 2021) She reported it to the FDA in September 2020. They never inspected the Ventavia sites and only inspected 5% of the total sites of the trial in general. This information was neglected, and the FDA still passed the EUA that December, despite this fraud being known. And when this whistle-blower’s information was published in the British Medical Journal in November 2021, all Pfizer had to say was that they wish BMJ contacted them before publishing because this information could have an effect on vaccine uptake, instead of being concerned about their own fraudulent activity. This government seems to have the same agenda. The trial should have been halted at that moment and investigated. Yet, despite this evidence of fraud, creating concern for patient safety and data efficacy, crickets from this government and legal officials. Why did this Liberal government do nothing when it was found that the very trial that put the Pfizer vaccine on the market was approved under fraudulent grounds? This is pure negligence.

Aspiration when vaccinating could prevent instant deaths, heart conditions, neuro disease, etc. by simply practising this basic method of safety. Why does this Canadian government not make this practice mandatory? To save a few seconds? These new protocols are negligent. If these micro particulates get in the bloodstream, they mount an inflammatory reaction of Cerebral Sinus Vein Thrombosis and can be fatal. In this UK study, as of August 11, 2021, there were 73 fatal cases from 411 events. (GOV.UK, 2022) This is an extremely unnecessary vaccine injury/death. They are not aspirating in Canada either. What is the Liberal-NDP government going to do about it?

When asked a direct question on what the road map is for lifting the mandates, this Liberal government deflects the question with the bludgeoned one-note pony response, ‘The way through this pandemic is vaccination.’ This Liberal Health Minister (Duclos) mislead the public with disinformation that the only way to get through the pandemic is to vaccinate the whole world. (House Publications, 2022) We were never going to vaccinate our way out of a pandemic with a vaccine that does not provide immunity! Perhaps the government should be less focused on useless mandates and more focused on protecting the vulnerable and providing early case treatment. Little consideration was given to therapeutics until TWO YEARS INTO THE PANDEMIC and this government also declined to explore any treatments that may have already been readily available to them and at a very low cost. This is unacceptable. The vaccine isn’t the only answer to this pandemic and this myopic view has caused even more deaths that could have been prevented. Further, this Health Minister has omitted that the people putting strain on the health care system are elderly and those with multiple co-morbidities, specifically obesity*, high anxiety, and diabetes being the top three associated with death – with other conditions also primarily associated to poor metabolic health and lifestyle choices (Lyudmyla Kompaniyets, et al., 2021). Obese people are also replicating the virus more than any other medical factor, unvaccinated or otherwise. That is who is taking up the hospital beds, isn’t it? Where has the focus been on encouraging people to get healthy, proper exercise, vitamins C/D/Zinc, diet, stress reduction, and proper sleep hygiene? Further, the distinction of people who could not take the vaccine for medical reasons and underlying health conditions as part of the unvaccinated was not depicted in the numbers either, further lying with statistics/misrepresentation of data.

This Prime Minister (Trudeau) has called unvaccinated citizens “racists”, “misogynists”, “these people”, “takes up space”, the “fringe”. He even accused the entire Conservative caucus of standing with the Nazi flag, specifically the descendant of a Holocaust survivor, and NEVER apologized. When meanwhile it was his own Deputy Prime Minister (Freeland), a couple weeks later, pictured physically holding a Neo-Nazi Bandera banner. He has othered millions of Canadians and created a segregation with his hateful rhetoric. Let us get something straight! First of all, the Liberal party was voted in as a minority government and lost the popular vote – not to mention only 62% of eligible voters voted. Second, millions of Canadians were forced into taking this vaccination for work or school, tens of thousands with adverse events. The vaccination rate of the country does not represent this government’s popularity rating and this is not a majority government despite the coalition deal made with the NDP government that Canadians did not vote for or support.

MP Melissa Lantsman raised a motion yesterday to drop the mandates, with special consideration to the ineffective and redundant travel restrictions, which was supported by industry experts. Glenn Priestly, Executive Director of the Northern Air Transport Association said that unvaccinated employees who were laid off should have their employment returned to them, “There’s a workforce shortage and there’s a skilled workforce available. I think there is a solution that’s obvious.” Joseph Sparling, President of Air North, stated, “It’s costing industry money at a time when we’re in that the pilots are in short supply. That [the mandates] for us, is the most troublesome regulation up there now.” Monette Pasher, Interim President of the Canadian Airports Council, “removing the mandatory random testing that’s happening in our airports would be the most cumbersome burden we’re facing right now that’s leading to bottlenecks.” 10-30% of Security workers were never replaced. Unacceptable delays and cancelled flights, and this is considering reduced capacity given the restrictions still in place in Canada all due to labour shortages. Unvaccinated staff need to be hired back. Once the travel restrictions are lifted, there is no way the airline industry is going to be able to support the capacity without them. This government has not provided any evidence or metrics supporting these mandates. We also already know Canada fell off the testing map in January when Omicron emerged and now with the amount of Canadians that have already contracted the virus and considering the endemic state of this pandemic, it is clear these mandates are strictly in place to hold onto the draconian controls in place.

On May 20, 2022, Global News interviewed Dr. Sumon Chakrabarti who said that at this phase of the pandemic, the measures are not medically useful - with the vast majority of Canadians vaccinated and "largely immune" from exposure. It's time to re-examine and "scrap a lot of this theatre." On the vaccine mandate for travel at this point in the pandemic, Chakrabarti called it discriminatory, "You're basically now just keeping people who are unable to get it or who don't want to get vaccinated off a plane for no good medical reason." This Liberal government is keeping millions of Canadians from travelling and inconveniencing millions of international travellers based on Public Health advice, but when you ask this elected government what Public Health advice that is, they deliver no answer to the question at hand. What Public Health advice is this government referring to? Where is the science?

Science is supposed to be non-partisan, but this government has shown these decisions are based on political agenda. They continue to coerce and supply a wide distribution of experimental drugs without informed consent nor accountability, while infringing on constitutional rights. This government denies natural immunity and has failed at early case treatment and acknowledging that age and comorbidities have been the contributory cause to the vast majority of deaths, with rare exception - not young healthy people, unvaccinated or otherwise. The vaccine presents more risk of harm on young healthy people than benefits them and the vaccine does not protect others by taking it yourself because it does not create immunity, further invalidating this pressure of social responsibility. Staying home while you are sick should be your social responsibly. This false sense of security is actually putting vulnerable people at risk. Vaccinated and unvaccinated carry the same viral load, as Fauci himself established in the age of Delta. Natural immunity is stronger and lasts longer than the vaccine and this government still refuses to recognize it at all. Given all of these facts, equal transmissibility, natural immunity, risk of severe adverse events, and no long-term data - this is a personal medical choice.

Other than vindictive protocols used to punish Canadians for not falling in line, there seems to be no reason for the segregation tactics and divisive rhetoric this government perpetuates. You can’t just make a claim, because of ‘the science’ without explaining the science you are referring to and the reasoning for continuing these unconstitutional mandates, let alone in an endemic state. This government has made evidence-based medicine an illusion. Millions of Canadians have lost trust in their government and public health. In closing, the ultimate question is what science is this government referring to? What science do you have to support the Emergency Use Authorization you are currently enforcing? What science do you have that causes you to deny natural immunity? What science do you have that vaccinated people are not contracting and spreading the virus? What science supports segregating Canadians into two classes of citizens? What science do you have to support young, healthy people requiring the vaccine? What science do you have to support that these vaccines create herd immunity (when they don’t create immunity at all)? What science do you have that all ages and comorbidity status have the same risk of COVID? What science do you have that supports that boosters don’t weaken the immune system over time? What science do you have for mandating employees working from home? What science supports that these vaccines are completely safe and effective? What science are you referring to?

Follow the science. Drop the mandates!


Bloomberg. (2022, January 11). Frequent Boosters Spur Warning on Immune Response. Retrieved from

BMJ. (2021, November 02). Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial. Retrieved from British Medical Journal:

Christopher L. F. Sun, E. J. (2022, May 5). Increased emergency cardiovascular events among under-40 population in Israel during vaccine rollout and third COVID-19 wave. Retrieved from scientific reports:

GOV.UK. (2022, February 14). UK Health Security Agency. Retrieved from Information for healthcare professionals on blood clotting following COVID-19 vaccination:

House Publications. (2022, January 31). 44TH PARLIAMENT, 1ST SESSION. Retrieved from Parliament of Canada:

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Matthew E. Oster, M. M., David K. Shay, M. M., John R. Su, M. P., & al, e. (2022, January 25). JAMA Network. Retrieved from Myocarditis Cases Reported After mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccination in the US From December 2020 to August 2021:

Nina Le Bert, A. T. (2020, July 15). SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell immunity in cases of COVID-19 and SARS, and uninfected controls. Retrieved from Nature:

Sandhya Bansal, S. P. (2021, November 15). Cutting Edge: Circulating Exosomes with COVID Spike Protein Are Induced by BNT162b2 (Pfizer–BioNTech) Vaccination prior to Development of Antibodies: A Novel Mechanism for Immune Activation by mRNA Vaccines. Retrieved from The Journal of Immunology:

Scandinavian Journal of Immunology. (17, March 2022). Wiley Online Library. Retrieved from Role of the antigen presentation process in the immunization mechanism of the genetic vaccines against COVID-19 and the need for biodistribution evaluations:

Sivan Gazit, R. S.-T. (2021, August 25). Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections. Retrieved from MedRxiv:

Vajeera Dorabawila, D. H. (2022, February 28). Effectiveness of the BNT162b2 vaccine among children 5-11 and 12-17 years in New York after the Emergence of the Omicron Variant. Retrieved from medRxiv:

World Health Organization. (2022, May 5). 14.9 million excess deaths associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021. Retrieved from World Health Organization:

Worldwide Safety - Pfizer. (2021, April 30). 5.3.6 CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT. Retrieved from

Yinon M. Bar-On, M. Y.-P. (2022, April 5). Protection by a Fourth Dose of BNT162b2 against Omicron in Israel. Retrieved from The New England Journal of Medicine:


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