Small Man, Big Change | Luke 19:1-10 | Gary Hamrick

3 years ago

In Luke 19 there is a story of a man named Zacchaeus who had a personal encounter with Jesus.  The Bible describes him as having a “short stature” but the change that happened in his heart was huge.  Zacchaeus was a hated tax collector who had fleeced his own Jewish people with extra taxation in order to enrich his personal life.  But after he put his faith in Jesus, Zacchaeus not only got right with God but he also got right with those he had wronged.  When Jesus changes our heart, we become at peace with God and at peace with others.  Listen today to the story about a man whose life was radically changed by the power of Jesus.

00:00 - Welcome
00:42 - Introduction
05:51 - We learn four things about Zacchaeus in Luke 19:1-10; who he was…
06:15 - 1) Professionally
12:01 - 2) Financially
13:40 - 3) Physically
26:59 - 4) Spiritually
38:38 - Do you know Jesus as your Savior?

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