The Identity and Deity of Jesus | John 1 | Gary Hamrick

2 years ago

There are many opinions in the world today about who Jesus is.  Some say He is just a prophet, some say He is a created being, some don’t believe in Him at all.  But exactly who is Jesus?  The apostle John goes into great detail in John 1 about the true identity and deity of Jesus.  Pastor Gary points out five things that John explains about the identity of Jesus.  It is essential to have a proper understanding of Jesus in order to understand salvation that came through Him!

00:00 - Welcome
00:43 - Introduction
01:21 - Symbols of the 4 Gospels
03:31 - Overview of the Gospel of John
16:38 - 1) Jesus is Eternal
17:28 - 2) Jesus is the Word of God
21:08 - 3) Jesus is God
26:24 - 4) Jesus is Creator
28:07 - 5) Jesus became human to dwell among us and die for us

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