Question & Answer Service 2022 | Gary Hamrick, Austin Hamrick, Tyler Hamrick

2 years ago


0:00:00 - Welcome
0:00:42 - Introduction
0:01:54 - What is the meaning of Holiness?
0:03:48 - Covid/Vacine Questions
0:16:03 - Are christians who have died, and are in heaven, able to see their families on earth?
0:19:31 - Why do we pray to God and Jesus but not to the Holy Spirit? What is the Holy Spirits’ role?
0:22:50 - Is it important to physically attend a local church?
0:27:32 - How does the beast in Revelation compare to the one put up infront of the UN buildingin New York? What does this mean for us?
0:32:41 - What does it mean to fear the Lord?
0:35:52 - Questions about the Lambs book of Life
0:39:47 - What is the difference between Hell and the lake of fire?
0:42:30 - Why don’t we hear the audible voice of Jesus like Paul did in Acts 9?
0:45:13 - Is cremation biblical?
0:45:50 - Why the mandate about coffee in the sanctuary?
0:46:32 - Why does God call David “a man after God’s own heart” when he committed polygamy/adultery?
0:47:29 - Who are the sons of God that are mentioned in Genesis?
0:49:54 - Questions on Tithing
0:54:38 - Why must catholics confess sins to a priest?
0:57:07 - What happens to the people who are saved during the tribulation?
0:59:44 - How do you walk humbly with God?
1:02:28 - Is there a teaching/resource for someone going through anxiety/depression?
1:03:04 - What did God mean in Matthew 24:34 about this generation not passing away until all these things take place?
1:04:43 - When are we going to have Communion again?
1:07:32 - Can you explain why forgivness is so important to God? Its difficult to forgive those who have hurt me.
1:11:09 - What happens after the rapture?
1:14:21 - Whats the status in married relationships in Heaven?
1:16:21 - Question about same sex marriage
1:21:00 - Do Christians need to follow Old testament rules?
1:25:36 - Is the Garden of Eden still on earth?
1:28:32 - Since we are all descendants of Adam & Eve how did all the skin and hair colors come to be?
1:30:03 - Recommended Resources

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