5min Rant On Female Empowerment - (Or, Gender Diversity Is Important If It Goes In One Direction)

2 years ago

Ill try and find that Helen Clark video.
I like the short format, and I think the hat is staying.

[Points - Am I wrong?]
Strong men can't be strong in a way that women arent also as strong, unless it's framed as a backhanded compliment or its just brute force
Women can be strong in ways that men aren't or are less likely to be.
A business staffed entirely by women can't be framed as suffering from a toxic lack of men.
That implies you can have a toxic quantity of women (which you can, but we have to pretend isn't true).
A business staffed entirely by men that does well is hurting women because it's men making lots of money not women who could take their place.
The reverse is never true.
Trans males don't have male privellage for some reason.
Trans women (if they're real women) should be represented by normal women.
A business staffed entirely by women could be framed as lacking trans women.

[edit, can't find video, she's like a WEF shill now, so her old interview is buried in all the new stuff she's done]

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