Is Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder An Excuse For Some People To Be Shitty?

2 years ago

*Edit - I think flexing and bragging are exactly the same. I can't be certain, because I'm too lazy to check.

This isn't some bs video essay where I give an answer and hold it as correct, it's just a question I have that I haven't found a solid answer to, sparked by a weird conversation at a dinner party.
Worst comes to worse I'm an asshole again

"Every mental state we'd characterise as "unwell" can be characterised as a chemical imbalance. You as an individual can change those chemical imbalances, and everything good and bad about you mentally could technically be expressed in terms of chemicals. Not to make some atheistic "bundle of cells" point, but that if the idea that you had BPD was like a virus, teaching someone about responsibility, agency, stoicism etc would be like an inbuilt antivirus, or a way to rebalance neurochemical imbalances. Like.the whole serotonin and lobster thing. If you can see a different hierarchy in which you're a winner, then you don't need to downrank yourself"


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