04.06.2022 NEUK - Blue Skies, Sheep and a few ChemSplurts

2 years ago

Location: DARLINGTON - Co. Durham.
Recording times: 1426, 1651, 1720 & 1816.

More Info on the Subject/s covered:-
UK Sky Watch, at " http://patchworkpencil.co.uk/uk-skywatch.co.uk/ ".
And, many others :)


Fully recommended, for Honesty and Truth, on other subjects:
vernoncoleman.org & vernoncoleman.com


On Facebook? Please join our Public Group "Worldwide Awakening", or at least Share material you see on there? It's being "RESTRICTED". It's there Purely, to get the Truth out there asap, while they allow the group to exist, and please see my previous "Roo63" uploads? Thank you.

My links:
1) "Roo63" on BitChute ... " https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Roo63 " .
2) "Andrew Pilkington ("Roo63")" on Brand New Tube ... " https://brandnewtube.com/@Roo63 ".
3) "Worldwide Awakening ("Roo63")" on Odysee ... " https://odysee.com/@Roo63:d " .
4) "Worldwide Awakening" on Facebook ("Public" Group) ... " https://www.facebook.com/groups/629528840562364/ " . ACCOUNT AND GROUP PAGE "RESTRICTED" BY FACEBOOK ("90-DAY") - Feb. 2022.
5) "Andy_Roo63" on Telegram ... " https://t.me/Andy_Roo63 ".
6) "AndiRoo63" on Rumble ... " https://rumble.com/c/c-1400532 ". NEW.

7) "Andiroo63" on Twitter ... ACCOUNT LOCKED IN APPEAL MODE, BY TWITTER.
8) "Roo63" on YouTube ... " https://www.youtube.com/c/Roo63/videos ". NO MORE UPLOADS PLANNED, DUE TO CENSORSHIP.

Videos are Free to Share / Mirror etc., if you wish, providing there's no malice.
All the best and thanks for viewing :D

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