What Is Livability Court And Why Did Politicians Give Them So Much Power? Unbelievable!!!

4 years ago

The entity in charge of enforcing mask mandates and the arbitrary rules that are destroying businesses in Charleston, SC are under the constitutionally questionable "livability court" and "livability department" created by City of Charleston, SC Government in 2002. This first-of-its-kind "court system" has now spread to many parts of the nation and is growing. Their employees of "livability officers" are not sworn to serve or protect the Constitution or citizens. They are simply required to have an allegiance to the court, the government, and a paycheck. You won't believe what they have decided to do on New Year's Eve to businesses and those wishing to celebrate the end of this terrible year.
Why do they have so much power? What will it take to stop the overreach of the politicians and bureaucrats that have granted them this undeserved and illegitimate authority to destroy local economies, tax the citizens, and infringe upon YOUR liberties?
If you aren't careful, these "courts" which have ZERO accountability to anyone, will begin to spread even more. When that happens, good luck getting them shut down. It hasn't worked in the nearly 2 decades that South Carolinians have been trying to stop them. In that time, they have only become MORE powerful.

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