Do Nigerian Lives Matter Too?

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Today on "Catholic Drive Time"

Catholic Nigerian Lives Matter! Robert Spencer joins us. ALSO, Homeland Security warns the Church about the “Summer of Rage.” Are we prepared?
Robert Spencer – Jihad Watch – Nigerian Martyers
Vanguard interviewed survivors and eyewitnesses of the attack. One anonymous source told the newspaper that the gunmen, estimated to number four or five, disguised themselves as worshippers before ambushing the church.
President Buhari descends from the primarily Muslim Fulani ethnic tribe. The leader, who is a practicing Muslim, has faced criticism by observers both within Nigeria and outside of the country for seemingly failing to implement any effective policies to deter anti-Christian attacks by jihadist Fulanis.

Homeland Security alerts Catholic bishops of threats to churches, clergy if Roe is overturned: report
1,287,595 injuries reported after COVID shots, vaccine injury compensation programs ‘overwhelmed’
A pair of New York City lawyers arrested for firebombing an NYPD vehicle during Black Lives Matter riots in 2020 agreed to a significantly more lenient plea deal offered to them by federal prosecutors last week.
Well Alright, alright, alright – Matthew McConaughey calls for Gun Control from the White House Press Pulpit.
Just how many guns has he used in his movies and HBO series????

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