Announcement of January 1st KCd's Q&A

4 years ago

The following questions were asked in this months session:
1. In SB 2.6.34 Purport Srila Prabhupada says: "Śrī Govinda, who pleasingly accepts the loving transcendental service of His devotees, gives all protection to the words and actions of His devotees... The devotees are especially protected by the Lord so that they may remain infallible." On which level one becomes infallible?
2. You have extensively presented the so called "ISKCON" as being neo-jata gosani sect. Do you see it as a neo-smarta manifestation too?
3. Can one become prepared to be a disciple of a guru, without having someone more advanced to spiritually guide them first?
4. Can living entities be forced to live in this material world forever?
5. What is regular guru?
6. Do you agree that the original 11 pretender "maha-bhagavats" and all subsequent pretender gurus in the so called "ISKCON" by their deeds are atheists or follow atheism?
7. While we know that the so-called "ISKCON" has turned into a topsy-turvy society once the Founder disappeared...Has this cult come to such a degree of degradation that the real workers don't and cannot even exist anymore within the walls of so-called "ISKCON"?
8. What about those devotees that have taken initiation, once or sometime twice, from one of these bogus pretenders... Would such a person have made any advancement, after all they were in the institution left by Prabhupada?

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