2 years ago

The parasites within our nation want wealth, power and influence
Non-parasites experience the presence of the parasites through their effect on the economy and society as wealth is drained out of it and vanishes into thin air – even if we are not aware of exactly what is happening
What we do know, for sure, is that we, in the west, at least, live in rich societies. But these are rich societies where the vast majority become poorer and poorer, and work harder and harder just to stay afloat. This is directly the result of the parasites
The Roman Empire, declined and fell, not due to external invasions by hordes of goths, vandals, and others, as orthodox history tells us, but because of parasitic activity operating within the Roman economy
The invaders found a formerly great civilisation weakened and impoverished by domestic parasites. They destroyed the Roman world, at least in the west, and did put some kind of order in its place. But Rome was gone
Another great republic – the Venetian republic. This was also destroyed from within by parasitism and by the time Napoleon arrived to finish it off, it was weakened beyond help
Here I want to concentrate on the main precise methods that our parasites use to extract wealth and establish their power within our society and economy today
These methods are all economic. That is a key fact that characterises human parasites. They are all about money. They have no sense of the finer aspect of life – art, ethics, kindness, democracy, civilisation, culture, national pride, spirituality, and so on.
They have found that money power can override every other sort of power and every other kind of value.

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