Politician Martin Hyde threatens officers job after pulled over

3 years ago

'Is it your Russian immigrant status that makes you treat people like this?' Republican House candidate Martin Hyde insults Florida cop and says 'You know who I am right?' after he was pulled over for speeding and texting. Follow me on twitter/join my discord!

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ahole of the day,ahole of the day papastanimus,papastanimus reacts,papastanimus reaction,react,reacts,reaction,Dellor Smashes Keyboard on Head (Original) Dellor recently got banned for "self harm" on twitch because he smashed a keyboard into his head. Here is that clip.

Congressional candidate Martin Hyde during a Sarasota traffic stop Feb. 14.

Apparently not all Republicans back the blue.

Hot-headed GOP congressional candidate Martin Hyde was caught on police body camera footage being so unruly when he was pulled over for speeding and texting that police officer Julia Breskin had to call for backup.

When Breskin pulled Hyde over for driving 57 mph in a 30 mph zone and texting while driving, he said to her, 'You know who I am, right?'

'Yes sir, I do,' Breskin said, as she asked to see his license and registration. He hands over only his license.

As Breskin asked again for his registration, Hyde, a U.K. native and former professional soccer player taunts her: 'Arrest me.'

As she repeatedly asks to see his registration, Hyde says: 'You're making career decisions.'

Hyde, running on a populist platform against Rep. Vern Buchanan in the GOP primary, has scored the endorsement of right-wing figures Roger Stone and Michael Flynn.

He's earned a reputation for his short temper in the Sarasota area, having run for Sarasota City Commission twice, and has been a fixture in public comment at Sarasota City Commission and Sarasota County School Board meetings, according to Florida Politics.

Former Sarasota City Commission candidate Rob Grant recently called police on Hyde and alleged the candidate had called him a 'f***ing d***head unprompted when the two ran into each other at a cafe.

'Why are you doing this?' Hyde asks the cop. 'Sir, because you were speeding and you were texting.'

After Breskin returns to her own cruiser and looks up his vehicle info, she walks back up to Hyde's window.

'I just called your supervisor. Is it your Russian immigrant status that makes you treat people like this?' he asks her.

Hyde eventually produces an expired registration. As Breskin informs him he will be cited for speeding, texting and failing to produce a registration on request, he tells her to 'shut up' and says, 'You are stupid. It's right here.'

'I'm a law-abiding citizen and you're being bloody rude,' he tells her.

As Breskin tries to hand over the citations, Hyde shows her his phone case, campaign merchandized emblazoned with 'HYDE 2022.' 'You're talking to a congressional candidate like this,' he says.

Another officer arrives on scene after Breskin calls for back up. Hyde tells the other officer: 'We're going to make sure she pays the price for being disrespectful.'

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