How Social Media Apps Trained ESPN’s Sarah Spain to ‘Block & Charge’ MLB Players w/Bigotry

2 years ago

ESPN’s Sarah Spain has tried and convicted members of the Tampa Bay Rays in the court of social media. Their crime: choosing not to wear a “Pride” logo on their uniforms. “Pride is about inclusion, so you don’t love them and you don’t welcome them if you don’t wear the patch” Spain said on “Around the Horn.” She found their expression of freedom blasphemous, especially during the Left’s holy month of June. Spain would go to label the players as bigots for standing on their religious beliefs and not bowing down to her worldview. What happens when you dare to question the sports media‘s self-appointed champion of Pride Month? You get blocked on social media and charged with a slew of "-isms." So much for diversity and inclusion. Jason attributes this childish behavior to Big Tech overlords. “Twitter and other social media apps trained influencers to block dissenting views and then charge their dissenters with racism, homophobia, misogyny, and/or transphobia.” “Fearless” contributors Shemeka Michelle and Steve Kim join the show to discuss Spain’s charges of bigotry and her Twitter tantrum. Then, Royce White adds his thoughts on Matt Walsh’s documentary "What Is a Woman" and engages Jason and Shemeka in a great discussion on the true meaning of the separation of church and state. Finally, author and columnist Larry Taunton shares his thoughts on America’s mass shooting pandemic and the lessons learned from studies of mass casualty events from around the globe.

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