Episode One - Understanding Money - Bitcoin Breakout

2 years ago

What is money
How does money obey the laws of energy
How all money is nothing but an agreement and a ledger

No Entry Accounting - cash, gold, etc.

Single Entry https://www.freshbooks.com/hub/accounting/single-entry-bookkeeping

Double Entry https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/double-entry.asp

Triple Entry https://onlinedegrees.und.edu/blog/triple-entry-accounting-blockchain/

Money is useless unless it has something to “account for”
Yes this applies to cryptocurrency but in some ways it has the highest “intrinsic value” of all
Monetary Creation, Manipulation and Movement
How is US money created and why does it work
What is inflation and how does monetary velocity effect it
Why anyone can create money but not all money works
Why money fails
How money created freedom
How money then created slavery
How to use this knowledge to your own advantage
What you can and can’t control
Why real value is the path to liberty

Tax is the creation of involuntary debt at will by the state
Inflation is the creation of involuntary debt payment by the central banks

Forms of Wealth


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