Remember now thy Creator

2 years ago

Calling young people to decision. King Solomon wrote this about 3000 years ago: Ecclesiastes 12:1 Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not...

Solomon shows in his book how life without God is meaningless. What makes life meaningFUL is a relationship with the living God.

He says here: Don’t want to waste your life - remember your Creator in the days of your youth. Here’s what it says:

Remember WHO? - thy Creator. You were purposefully made. Created.
God has made you and cares about you.

God is like a potter - and we are like a lump of clay that He shapes.

Remember WHEN? Remember NOW thy Creator.

You are setting out on life’s journey. It’s just starting. You are setting your life’s direction. The rest of your life is working out the decisions you made in the days of your youth. So, you are at a critical place in your life, right now. Right now it’s decision time. It’s like a fork in the road.

Solomon says evil days are ahead - we can expect to face some difficult days ahead, as we get older. Tougher days.

Remember God in the days of your youth because it will help you fight against temptation. If you come to have faith in God now, it will see you through any evil days that lie ahead of you.

Taking the right path now will help you avoid consequences that can last a lifetime. So make the right choices now.

Solomon says how, as we get older, we face maybe losing our eyesight, our hearing, even our teeth! We will lose our strength and get aches and pains. We won’t have the same energy, as we get older.

You will slow down and you maybe won’t be as strong and healthy as you grow older. So remember thy creator now. Give your life to God. You are at the crossroads.

If you believe in Jesus and follow Him in your life now - the time will come when you will be able to look back to this time of your life.
You will feel good about your life because you made the right decision young in life.

Remember God now. In the present. Do it now.

God has given young people so much - time, energy, strength, talent. You can give your life over to God and know Him personally right now and into the future.

Life is short, and fragile. We’re in the process of dying every day. Remember your Creator today… before you die!

It says remember now THY creator. When you believe - He is your God.It’s personal;. Between you and God.

We belong to this God because He has given His great love to save us.
Your Creator offers His gift of salvation by our Lord Jesus. We can find eternal life.

When as a young person you make decisions about your life — remember your Creator. Remember what God has done for you. Remember what you have learned about God.

When in time you search for friends, and perhaps the one you will marry, remember your Creator and what pleases Him. When you are with friends you can make good choices about what you are going to do, and where you are going to go with your creator in mind.

When you are tempted to go some sinful way, then remember your creator. Whenever you must make a decision about what to do - Remember now—at this very moment—your Creator - and what He has done for you.

David in the Bible was ashamed over his sins of youth. If we truly are a believer, we will too. The memory of past sins brings sorrow and shame and regret.

Remember your Creator while you are young - it will help you avoid wounds that can leave scars for the rest of your life.

Life in this world is empty without God. When we make the wrong decisions in youth it can lead to a whole lot of regret.

Remember your Creator now. God fulfils our life.

He has made us and He wants us to know Him.

In your future you must live with the choices you have made. So make the right choices early in your life.

Will your future be days of regret, days of lost opportunities, or days when you are glad you followed Jesus?

Trust Christ with your life now.

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