Why Alcohol and Guns DO NOT Mix!!

4 years ago

Alright everyone, this one's a doozey. I just wanna say first and foremost, NEVER do what you see in this video. I took every precaution in could while doing this. I was only one there, no live firearms, or ammo was there. And I stopped drinking for the rest of the day after filming and didn't go anywhere til the next morning.
I started filming roughly around 1pm. The actual shooting portion started around 1:30pm and I finished about 2:40-45pm.
As for notes I took, the times written down is based off of camera AFTER i changed the frame rate to 60fps.
2:36-ended first round, wait 10 min.
17:40-VERY tingly
31:23-fucked up, make notes(this iswhen I started taking notes), bad to stand still move
34:52-worse turning head
35-mouth feels weird
36-forgot to change target after shooting
44-keep putting pen in pocket(rather than leave the pen out, I put it in my pocket, out of habit). everything move. get notebook(I was an envelpe and ran out of room)
46-steps suck(went inside to get a notebook). can recognize spell mistakes
47-48 - legs like fawn
51-almost forgot to take drink(this was the last drink I took)
56-16 hits(referring to the 2nd to last run I did. had to do an extra rifle drill)
58-broke front thing on truck(the tope front cover on my truck that's made of plastic. I broke more of it during clean up). can't be still.

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