Pilgrim's Journey #5 - Risen from the Dead

4 years ago

A Pilgrim's Journey - An Armchair Tour of the Holy Land.

From Galilee to Jerusalem, this series explores the land of Israel from the perspective of a first-time visitor on a Zola tour in 1997.

Program #5 of 9 - RIsen from the Dead
After beginning the day with praise and worship, we walk along a Roman street of Jesus’ time on our way to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Later at the Garden Tomb, Zola Levitt teaches on ancient Jewish wedding customs and their special significance to the Christian. We then listen in as worship leaders Harvey Schmitt and Charlynn Johns share their feelings about this pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

"Our Jewish Roots" brings you Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of the Christian faith.

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