01/04/21 Mon: Centrist Dems? LGBTQ Antidiscrimination; Stop Resisting!

4 years ago

0:00 Mon, Jan 4, 2021
1:13 Dems, Blacks, Trump
6:30 Centrist Dems?
15:09 Super Chats
18:00 Earl in MI
25:31 BGTG vs Earl
31:21 Samuel in Sweden
43:52 Maze in Dayton, OH
52:53 Obamacare for T, Nonbinary
1:00:12 Come Out, Bright Lights
1:03:08 More Super Chats
1:04:34 Joe in Phoenix, AZ
1:11:30 Dana in SD
1:16:04 Art in OH
1:29:43 TX church shooting
1:31:05 Nashville bomber GF
1:35:02 Resisting arrest stats
1:45:26 Trump’s call with GA SoS
1:49:06 Alex in Queens, NY
1:56:02 Lyn in Chicago, IL
2:00:11 Thanks, all!

The Hake Report, Monday, January 4, 2021
Nutty Dems re-elect Nervous Nancy, but some had other ridiculous choices.
Flashback: Obama used Obamacare for radical LGBTQIA agenda.
Cops/FBI let Nashville bomber slip through cracks, but nab innocent men!
Blacks resisting arrest: H/T: V Dare and J Taylor…
ELECTION: Senators (some new! Hundreds briefed!) will challenge results. Ineffectively? (Defense Sec's say it's over! BTW: Gohmert vs. Pence nowhere?)
TRUMP: COVID/ELECTION: Trump says covid numbers are far exaggerated, blames CDC; Also says GA Sec of State (Brad Raffensperger) was unable to answer about ballots under table. Apparently a phone call was leaked (Wash. Compost got it, according to far-left publisher Twitter).
Also check out Hake News from today.

Earl from Michigan thinks it’s stupid to be thankful for slavery.
BGTG from Los Angeles, CA says suffering done right can make you better.
Samuel from Sweden tells about explosions in the sky.
Maze from Dayton, OH says BGTG should climb out of the coconut tree.
Joe from Phoenix, AZ says John Brown was mostly peaceful but Gen. Lee was evil.
Dana from South Dakota is part American Indian and says “slave” came from Slav.
Art from Ohio - is thankful as a Hebrew Israelite, and calls on men to be fruitful.
Alex from Queens, NY, first-time caller talks about Jan 6th and the surrounding insanity.
Lyn from Chicago gives a tip about an offender in Oregon named Greg Anderson.

BLOG POST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2021/1/4/010421-mon-centrist-dems-lgbtq-antidiscrimination-stop-resisting

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show and produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND a nonprofit dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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