Second Declaration of Independence, Signed by Pres Donald J. Trump July 4, 2020

2 years ago

𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞, S𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐝 𝐉. 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐩 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐲 4, 2020

Transcribed by Mark Baughman from parchment

Having read that this document is located on a government website, I searched for a link to this document on government websites - Federal Register, Executive Orders, etc. However, I was unable to find such a link. The link above seems to be the most authoritative link I could find, as it is by Michael Baughman, who seems to be the major transcriber.

This narration includes the text, as it is read by a couple of ladies, switching back and forth in their reading. David Straight's narration included many of his own comments, at least one of which I could not tolerate on this channel. Therefore I removed the video by David Straight and uploaded this one in in its place. I consider this one to be vastly superior to Straight's narration.

If anyone can locate this document on a FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WEBSITE, please note it in the comments.

In various places this document refers to the "Organic Act of 1871", signed by President Ulysses Grant (choke / gag) in that year. One can find that legislation at
Library of Congress
Statutes at Large, 1774 – 1875
Page 419 – "Turn to image 419" (Remove any other text in dialog box when entering “419”.)
CHAP. LXII – An Act to provide a Government for the District of Columbia

I deemed it appropriate to post this video, as I was reminded of it a couple of days ago and of its significance. I read an article discussing Devolution and referred to this 2nd Declaration of Independence, as being part of Devolution.

I urge people to keep in mind this document was written by President Donald Trump. It has many startling revelations of the corruption in our government, some I'd not heard before, revelations that one would most definitely not hear from most other presidents. Reagan and / or Kennedy might have written something similar, had they the foresight and courage that Trump has had.

Some have asked for proof of Trump's signature. I would suggest this document has not been signed by Trump, despite Baughman' claim of Trump's, as at the end of the document is a statement that it is to be submitted in "presentation to Congress, the 50 State Legislatures, and the Governors of the respective States." Thus, I suspect this document awaits Trump's signature, or that of any other President, until after approval by those entities. We must keep in mind that it is the President's signature, AFTER LEGISLATIVE APPROVAL, that finalizes any legislation.

This is not to say that the document does not exist somewhere on a government website. I looked on the Federal Register & Executive Orders websites to no avail. If it's not signed, then it makes sense it's not there. But Michael Baughman got this document from somewhere. Where he got it remains a mystery to me. I've no way contact either Baughman or Gene Decode.

Mark Baughman wrote on 9 Sep 2021:
"Please note: This is the 2nd Declaration of Independence!! This was a document done in 2018 that was signed by President Trump. This was completed in secret by 10 people, who email the parchment paper pictures of the whole document to Gene Decode, and he then emailed me in late January 2021. I then transcribed the complete document into Word document so everyone could easily read it. I did post this on Operation Disclosure. This was my great honor and privilege to transcribe this document for all to read. Understand, this document is needed at this time of great transition, to simply let the citizens of the New Republic know what happened and the different tools the Deep State did to keep illegal control of this wonderful country. Yes, this document is really, really needed just as much as the 1st Declaration of Independence. Because we were in a secret war of information and infiltration. This document is extremely needed to legally declare Independence again, and to inform “The People” what has happened to their beautiful country. This is needed for so many reasons, especially to overcome the CIA “Operation Mockingbird” to control all the media in the world from the 1950’s.

"For these people who wrote it, were committing treason against the U.S. Corporation, the law since our original U.S Republic Constitution was usurped in 1871 by the Illuminati. Understand, Gene Decode and I was involved in release of the 2nd Declaration and stand by it. Naturally, like the Original Declaration of Independence was finally released to the whole world, this Spin-Off is the same thing, Man of God. Neither document has the United States in all CAPS, therefore IT IS NOT A U.S. CORP. document.

"I speak for myself and what Gene Decode stated on his live call and recorded video, this week, that this is the signed document of President Trump. From my understanding and released by people inside the New Republic was declared on July 4th, 2020, and the U.S. Corporation is bankrupt. I have seen this document filed in the State of Florida of the U.S. Corporation, and no longer exists. Therefore, as the 2nd Declaration was done behind the scenes, as was the documents for the New Republic had to be done out of the public’s eye. Only, in the near future, we will learn the absolute truth. Everyone should respect other people’s opinion, and respect great sources of true information to help inform “The People” to the truth. I have great respect for Gene Decode’s intelligence and his sources, we all need to honor him to help such a dark time in our country’s history, to see the light. For “We the People” have the great Victory to the Light!! Transcribed by Mark Baughman 2/10/2020 from Parchment Paper Pictures from Original."

Again, I respectfully request if anyone has found this document on a FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WEBSITE, please post the link in the comments.

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