SW357 Hype Machine - Karen B & Mark Sargent ✅

2 years ago

Published on Jun 1, 2022
For the record, I love the people that tune into this show, mostly because it gives me some hope for the future. All of you listening now represent the last of what I like to call objective enlightenment. You are the red pills, the blue dots, the insane truther community that spreads misinformation and even as I type that last sentence spell checker can not resolve the word truther because currently that term is not recognized by the authority.
While most of the world sleep walks their way through existence never questioning anything, the people on the other side of this particular stream look at everything with somewhat different eyes. They observe the days with skeptic colored glasses and always squint at the narrative.
You are the lucky ones, the oh so fortunate few that can discern what is true and what is probably just another story tied to our conditioning.
I say lucky because the drawback of being you is that many of your friends, family and coworkers do not share your opinions and ideas. The masses, the general public, the sheep, take their marching orders from whatever screen is in front of them, be it TV, tablet, or mobile device that is seemingly skin grafted to their hands.
This is one of those weeks where I look at the feeds in wonder. I marvel at the simple yet effective messages that are conveyed to everyone else in such a way that the ideas they parrot back to each other have the appearance of almost being spontaneous, like they figured it out on their own.
Today in casual conversations across our nation everyone has the exact same talking points given to them by a finely honed hype machine that Orwell might even blush at.
Look at the cross section of what is being fed to our friends right now. Russia has essentially won the war against Ukraine in roughly 90 days but according to Western sources they have done everything wrong at every turn. Gas prices set new records so often that reporting it has gotten redundant. As of today it’s the 17th record in 30 days. Something happened in Texas that we can’t criticize on this channel even though it isn’t getting much traction because of bad demographics. If it was 75 miles more to the West on the other side of the border it would have barely been a story in the US newsfeeds.
What do the public want to watch instead? A defamation trial between Hollywood A listers giving up the intimate dirt on each other. We learn gossip at a young age and the lure stays with us doesn’t it?
They don’t care that much about public policy but when Nancy Pelosi’s husband gets a drunk driving charge oh that’s scandal, that’s news. Some of it is working and some of it is not. In 90 days I have yet to see a blue and yellow flag being flown on the island where I live. The Red team still hates the Blue team and vice versa. It’s all Trumps fault. It’s all Putins fault. People still talk about when we will go to the moon again and every time Elon offers an opinion on any topic it makes page one because he is now the authority on well, everything. Layers of layers of distractions within an enigma, wrapped inside a tasty media flavored burrito.
The good news is that you won’t be one of those people who contacts me with the opening line of “did you hear?” because you know better. Yes in fact I did hear whatever you were about to tell me. The difference is that I chose not to believe it or just didn’t care.
And with that in mind, on to the headlines.
Contact me directly at: msargent23@comcast.net 303-494-6631
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New to Flat Earth? Watch this first: https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/US5KucigVcNA/
Plant the seed in your global friends: https://www.behindthecurvefilm.com/
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Great Flat Earth Music by Conspiracy Music Guru: https://songwhip.com/conspiracy-music-guru
Flat Earth Clues Books! https://tinyurl.com/y5parsnf https://tinyurl.com/y9y6bjg5
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George Orwell
Tribune, 27 December 1946
Most people, if asked to prove that the earth is round, would not even bother to produce the rather weak arguments I have outlined above. They would start off by saying that ‘everyone knows’ the earth to be round, and if pressed further, would become angry. In a way Shaw is right. This is a credulous age, and the burden of knowledge which we now have to carry is partly responsible.

I live in a Magic Show with many Creative Forces Hiding God but I am in it for The Long Haul because I am more than another Soul in the System. The Lost Nail awakened me from blind trust in the Coat of Credibility, using my New Eyes and Depth Perception. I visit the Empty Theaters and admire Byrd Wall and all of the misguided Map Makers inhabiting the ol Status Quo when we are all truly dreaming of Shell Beach.

#flatearthclues #flatearth #strangeworld #globexit debate
science, technology, geology, astronomy, physics, education, flat earth, enclosed world
science, education, flat earth, enclosed world
science, technology, geology, astronomy, physics, education
news, current events, politics, government, covid, facemasks, vaccines, authority

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