ATTN! Pence Got A Letter! Bush Funeral LIES in State: TALL TALES & MSG Revealed! C-A-V-U Mike Pence

4 years ago

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We've all heard about the letters of the Bush Funeral envelopes that select politicians appeared to receive...
In this lighthearted joking atmosphere celebrating the life of one of the Greats...tall tales are told...A real Champion among the Giants if you believe the TALL TALE spun in the DC Capital Building Rotunda aka the Trumpet Call to the gODS... we discover George Bush 41s jokes of his Vice Presidency and the humor in playing the part he was destined...selected for as one of the small group of insiders to Rule The World mwha. haha.
But did you know that Mike Pence and his family received the most telling letter perhaps of all? As we reveal the hidden message from the letter received, we learn that there were.... a lifetime of letters being sent by The Quiet Man G Bush
Pence got the kind of letter that every military dad perhaps could dream for his son... C A V U ... wishes of Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited
But there's a cloud on the horizon that threatens all outsiders' CAVU this time..
Watch and find out what everyone in the room already seems to know as Mike Pence retells his discovery of the letters true meaning to his son

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