Jan 6 2021 A Leap of Faith

4 years ago

Link to the article, with my personal commentary: https://bit.ly/39aHy15

Schumann Resonance Energies

- Red bursts of energies dominate the chart at ~7.83 hertz and ~13 hertz.

- Brilliant purple seems to cause a clearing of the chart.

Inspired Energy

- The red bursts of energy correspond with the Human head and heart in the chart, and the chakras that relate with these.

- There is black energy blocking the throat - some are restricted from speaking.

- Purple squares repeat above the figure in the chart, messages and offers from the subconscious to align with Divine Will.

- A brilliant purple burst of energy clears the chart.

- The choice presented:

Keep silent because of personal reasons, or
Speak out because you are guided by God to do so.

- A leap of faith, and a belief that God’s got your back, no matter what happens, is key in these times.

Please share 😊 👍


Data Source
Schumann data from Space Observing System, Tomsk, Ru.
Thank you 🙏 

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Most recent Schumann Resonance & Inspired Energy videos

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The Human Energy Field and the Schumann Resonance


Please enjoy my FREE MEDITATION

How to Breathe with Light - Inspired Energy Meditation


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Photo Image Credits

Norman Rockwell, Freedom of Speech, public domain.


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Video audio, commentary, human energy field images and typed notes © 2020 Susan Inspired. All Rights Reserved. Views reflect those of the author, only. Permission is given to share this video on other blogs and websites as long as the author’s credit and live link back to this channel and/or my blog are included. 

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