◾Neo Nazi Polish/Ukrainian group Karpatska Sich want to congratulate the LGBTQ community of Ukraine

2 years ago

◾Neo Nazi Polish/Ukrainian group Karpatska Sich want to congratulate the LGBTQ community of Ukraine, Poland and all Europe Pride Month.
This is what your Governments are supporting.

◾Neo Nazi, White Supremacist group Karpatska Sich was white washed just two days ago by the French National TV.

◾Ukrainian Nazi group, within Azov Movement, Karpatska Sich, translated to Ukrainian the New Zealand shooter Manifesto that inspired the Buffalo White Supremacist shooter.
The Ukrainian-language translation of the Christchurch shooter’s manifesto, flanked by a sticker for Ukrainian neo-Nazi group Karpatska Sich.

◾The New Zealand shooter Manifesto that inspired the Buffalo shooter is a "must read" for all NeoNazis and White Supremacists worldwide.
Here a group of Ukrainian Nazis from Karpatska Sich holding copies of the book translated to Ukrainian by the Nazi elitist group inside Azov movement.

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