Nancy Pelosi's son-in-law calling in during Capitol unrest, please read no time for subtitles. Ciao

3 years ago

Nancy Pelosi's son-in-law lives during the unrest yesterday calling into a Dutch Fake News show called Jinek. In the background, we see him in a selfie with Jake Angeli, according to left-wing media being called The ‘QAnon shaman’. Social media rumors however suggest mister Angeli is an Antifa thug. I'm sure soon we will know the true story regarding this matter.

Anyway, here is what the Dutch son in law of Nancy Pelosi had to say:

I never witnessed something like this before. I was within a crowd of people who literally climbed the walls. It reminded me of a sea of zombies from an apocalypse B-movie. Screaming "it's our house, we are taking back our house", "if you are against us you are pedophiles and child molesters." "You are all liars". These people screaming the most idiotic things. These are people who are clearly angry and not willing to stop. Washington was flooded by MAGA country. Not carrying weapons as Washington is very strict, but if they had the chance they would. People who clearly don't belong here in decent Washington judging by their appearance. I received one phone call from my wife. She was panicking saying "it's getting weird, we need to get outta here". While I was outside watching the fighting inside the building the people were evacuated. They were being transported to a Military Base, which is where they are now. As long as Trump will exist they will believe Trump whether it's here or in Mar Lago. These are people who prefer to start a civil war.

#nancypelosi #maga #washington #greygoosenancy

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