20220607 - Liberty Minute

2 years ago

I'm Peter Serefine with today's Liberty Minute.
Biden plans to invoke the Defense Production Act. For what, the war in Ukraine? Gasoline? Baby Formula? Nope, climate change.
That's right; Resident Biden is using wartime emergency power so he can grant and loan money to solar manufacturing and other green energy technologies.
I have nothing against solar power or any other green energy, but this is not how the United States Federal Government is supposed to work.
Executive orders, emergency powers, and now the defense production act all to push an agenda. Have any of the people in DC ever read the US Constitution? Only Congress can pass laws, and all spending is supposed to originate in the House.
I am tired of the government constantly trying to find ways around the Constitution that they all swore an oath to uphold.
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Until tomorrow, si vis Pacem, Para Bellum.

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