#287: Masonic Infiltration of the Vatican—Fr. Charles Murr

2 years ago

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Father Charles Theodore Murr is a sort of post-Vatican II clerical Forrest Gump, having been closely associated with many influential Vatican prelates and other ecclesial and cultural influencers over many decades.

As a young priest in Rome, he worked alongside Canadian Archbishop (later Cardinal) Édouard Gagnon, who was commissioned by Pope Paul VI to document secret curial membership in Freemasonry. This is where the story goes downhill. 

Or at least, the Gagnon Investigation went nowhere under Pope VI, John Paul I, and, very regrettably, also John Paul II.


👉The reformers (Gagnon, Benelli, Murr, et al) and resisters (Villot, Gaggio, Casserole) of post-Conciliar Masonic infiltration.
👉Annibale Bugnini, designer of the Novus Ordo Missae (the New Mass of Paul VI) was a Mason and why that matters.
👉The three volume dossier presented to the ailing and apathetic Paul VI.
👉The concern expressed by Pope John Paul I and the effort to get to the bottom of the Masonic question—and the suspicious details surrounding the death of Pope John Paul I.
👉Why the globe-trotting activities of Pope John Paul II took precedence over routing out Curial Masons.
👉The real reason Archbishop Gagnon quit to become a missionary in the Colombian jungle.


👉Murder in the 33rd Degree: The Gagnon Investigation into Vatican Freemasonry by Father Charles Murr: https://amzn.to/3NdNx8i

👉Father Murr’s website: https://www.charlesmurr.com/

👉Humanum Genus encyclical on Freemasonry by Pope Leo XIII (1884): https://amzn.to/3mgjl0x

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