Gonzalo Lira 2022-06-06: Epistemic Viciousness - How group think destroyed the group think research

2 years ago

#GonzaloLira #GillianRussell #EpistemicViciousness #groupthink #narcissism

Mirrored from https://youtu.be/-rdtlpmY4qk as Gonzalo Lila's Youtube channel might get wacked any moment just like he wasn't by the Ukrainian secret services.

Here's Gillian Russell's essay, “Epistemic Viciousness in the Martial Arts”:

Gonzalo Lira's only other social media: https://twitter.com/GonzaloLira1968

Because Gonzalo has lost access to all his accounts and channels to the SBU (Ukraine's secret police), he doesn't have any way to promote his content—so please be so kind as to share this video with anyone whom you think might learn something.

Skordo made this comment on Youtube:
"Whenever you hear anybody say 'epistemological', ok? And trying to sound smart, know that they never studied philosophy ant they never studied epistemology, ok?"

epistemological (adjective)
epis·​te·​mo·​log·​i·​cal | \ i-ˌpi-stə-mə-ˈlä-ji-kəl \

Definition of epistemological: of, relating to, or based on epistemology : relating to the study of the nature, origin, and limits of human knowledge: the epistemological problem

Source: Merriam Webster

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