Cardinal Carlo Maria Vigano Calls Out The Deep State.

2 years ago

Carlo Maria Viganò Part 1/2 - Archbishop and diplomat emeritus of Vatican City

The interview was prepared, the questions were sent beforehand. Today the first three questions will be answered by His Excellency, next week on Friday at the same time will follow the answers to other questions.

Questions for His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò
Scheduled for today:
1. Your Excellency, many people know and appreciate you very much for having been a sincere man in an often insincere environment even during your service at the Vatican.
You have served as a top diplomat, specifically as the Vatican Nuncio, in the United States representing the Pope to the local churches in the United States.
It is our great honor and pleasure to speak with you today.
But before we move on to substance and ask you about your assessment of the world political situation, especially with regard to the so-called Corona crisis, please tell us a little bit about your personal history so that viewers who don't yet know you will realize who you are.
2. You have an impressive vita - but if one searches your name in the old media (mainstream), one finds defamatory articles that accuse you, among other things, of spreading Kremlin propaganda and making confused statements. On closer inspection, this does not seem to us to be the case at all, quite the contrary; rather, you remain true to your reputation of being a sincere man even in insincere environments, even if it is to your personal disadvantage.
Where do you identify the caesura in your vita, where this virtue was reinterpreted by the old media as a flaw? What red line did you cross; on what issue did your candor become a danger to the public narrative?
3 Your Excellency, the Corona and Measures crisis is now entering its third year; in the meantime, warfare in the East, and especially massive political and media warmongering, has been added to the mix. How do you assess this development?

The Corona Committee was founded on the initiative of attorney and economist Viviane Fischer and attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. It is conducting a review of evidence on the Corona crisis and measures.
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