Rabbis | Israel | Wake Up! Take The Red Pill | Resist The Great Reset

3 years ago

Rabbis | Israel | Wake Up! Take The Red Pill | Resist The Great Reset

This is not a theory. If you've not heard of what the Great Reset is, you only need to go to the World Economic Forum website to find out. They and other world leaders are literally telling us what they want to do. The rabbis don't seem to have a clue about any of this and that's the problem. If it's not in the Talmud, Zohar, or Shulchan Aruch, it doesn't matter or exist.

Israel is not safe from tyranny. Netanyahu is part of it.

If you keep on the path you are on, you will end up literally in the Matrix. I'm screaming at you to Wake Up! Take the Red Pill, look up from your Talmud and see the reality of what's really going on. Otherwise, you will live in an illusion - an illusion that the Moshiach is coming, that everything is fine, the illusion that all you need is to study more Torah, do more mitzvahs, go along with everything you are told, listen to the experts, and you can be ok, go back to normal. The globalist elites intend to exploit this for far more than a virus. Things will never go back to normal...Unless you resist the Great Reset.

✳️Related Sources:
✔️What do medical consensus and majority doctors' opinion mean?

✔️Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith
The Great Reset Explained

✳️Related Video:
✔️How To Resist The Great Reset | Know The Difference Between What Comes From Man And What Comes From God

#Israel #Judaism #TheGreatReset #Wef #Globalism #ResistTheGreatReset #IsraelGreenPassport #Covid19Vaccine #Talmud #Netanyahu
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