结婚并不能解决你情欲的问题(warningthepeople)Marriage Won't Solve Your Lust Problem

2 years ago






Marriage Won’t Solve Your Lust Problem
There are a lot of men who just can’t get lust out of their life, they are always looking at pornography, they are always lusting after women, they cannot control themselves. They think it is impossible for them to be pure, impossible to get out of lust. Many men have the excuse that they are not married, they say; “If I was just married, I wouldn’t have to do these things…” But I will tell you what, getting married will only compound your problems, it will only make your lust WORSE unless you are submitted to Jesus Christ first in your life. When I got married, I didn’t just suddenly become pure and now that I have my wife to be with, that didn’t just eliminate all the problems of lust. I had to conquer that in Jesus’s name. I had to humble myself before Him and ask Him to cleanse me from the unrighteousness of lust. Don’t think that your problems will be solved just because you get married. Make sure that you control yourself. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you, to change your mind, to get lust out of your heart and out of your life. Otherwise, your lust will take you to hell. Make sure that you truly repent. Get right with Jesus Christ, receive His Spirit and live in the newness of life. You CAN stop sinning if you want to stop sinning. Jesus Christ is the way out.

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