Christian Nationalism Is a Left-Wing LIE

2 years ago

The Associated Press ran a story titled "Christian Nationalism On The Rise In Some GOP Campaigns." Their story was the latest instance a long line of accusations that certain individuals in American politics extol the idea of "Christian nationalism." The View co-host Tara Setmayer also blamed christian ationalism for the recent string of mass shootings in the United States. The media use of this term originates from the depths of academia. Indeed, the Associated Press article mentioned the book "Taking America Back for God: Christian Nationalism in The United States, which bills itself as the definitive empirical guide to Christian Nationalism in the United States.

In this video, Mr. Watson critiques Christian Nationalism, as it is defined by the "Taking America Back For God" book, as conceptual nonsense. He explains why Christian Nationalism makes no sense definitionally, neither as a representation of Christianity nor a coherent ideology or value system. Watch for more!

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