What's It Like To Retire At 40? - On The Edge CLIPS

3 years ago

Athletes are in their prime in their 20's and 30's soooooo.....what exactly happens with the rest of their lives? Come find out!

Gold Medal Olympian Ryan Millar joins us and discusses his journey playing Men's Volleyball, eventually winning at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. This is a great conversation and we really cover all kinds of subjects. What's it like retiring at 40? How do you make money as an Olympian? How much money is there really for an athlete??

Ryan also tells the amazing story of how the team came in LAST PLACE and just two Olympics later, left with the GOLD. Amazing!

---Learn More About Ryan---
Ryan's work: www.partnersinleadership.com
Email Ryan: ryan.millar@partnersinleadership.com


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