MSI codex R gaming computer FAIL, so much frustration & Snowrunner gameplay

4 years ago

Twitch and Youtube Live once again
More computer trouble....I am starting to think that maybe I should steer away from MSI for good as I have had nothing but problems with these pre built gaming Pcs. I am going to give this one a try and hope its better, It does have an upgraded motherboard so my hopes are high for this one.

The review I left on their Google:


If looking to buy a desktop Computer or laptop do yourself a favor and go to a Computer specialty shop. I went through 3 of desktops from our local store here but ultimately had to return it because they were unable to get their hands on another one to exchange therefore I made the drive over to another big box store to pick one up and wouldn't you know it it crashed right out of the box as well. The options were when I called to see if there was anything they could do, was $20 off the cost of a new hard drive, PAY for instore service and diagnostic or my 3rd option was to mail this computer to MSI for service and be without for god-knows-how-long. Both the seller and manufacturer claims they are unaware of any issues however a quick Google search State otherwise and I was advised by msi that I should package it all up and mail it to them for service and inspection. I finally took matter into my own hands and exchanged it for the next model up (better motherboard and more Ram) ran my own diagnostics and ultimately discoverd it need Ram and a hard drive to solve the random crash issue and its been perfect 👌 though it did cost me an extra $375 on top. It's sad that when spending nearly $1500 on just a tower and then another $400 on a monitor they could care less about all the troubles and running around i had to do, I drove from the Kelowna store, to the west kelowna store then had to do another exchange but the closest one was in Penticton so I made the drive and then back to the kelowna store for the final return.

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I am a welder gone auto mechanic due to suffering a severe eye injury while working (I had to have a cornea transplant) I will now be focusing my channel towards family fun, technology , automotive and many other great topics.

During the week we are a normal family of 4 three kids and my self. As I mentioned I am self employed. I own 2 small businesses one of which as been featured on this channel but will no longer be my focus, my new focus is on everyday stuff that we find exciting and hope you do as well. Much of this will be featured here shortly as it is going to be my primary focus this coming year.

My wife and I were together for 21 years, we have been in each others lives since we were small children (9 and 11 years old) but unfortunately that all came to an dramatic end in 2017.
Now I am a single dad of 3.

On weekends we enjoy exploring the back woods and venturing to many different out of the ordinary places in our truck and by dirt bike or quad

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