Afternoon class 💤- Animation short film 🎞

2 years ago

Afternoon class 💤- Animation short film 🎞
The story is based on my experience when I was trying to keep myself from sleeping in class in the afternoon . ___________________________________ ________
The most common sleep-related problems are insomnia and excessive daytime sleepiness . Insomnia is defined as difficulty falling or staying asleep , waking up early , or poor sleep quality that makes sleep seem insufficient or unrefreshing . Excessive daytime sleepiness refers to abnormal sleepiness or spontaneous sleep during daylight hours . Difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep and waking up earlier than normal is a common symptom in the elderly . Statistics show that 10% of adults suffer from chronic insomnia , and about 30-50% of them suffer from occasional insomnia .

->Do you know :
•About half of people have complained of insomnia at some time
• Medications to aid sleep are not good options for treating insomnia (both those that need to be dispensed with a prescription , or those that need to be dispensed with a prescription and contain diphenhydramine) .
• The best treatment for insomnia is cognitive-behavioral therapy .

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