Learn how to become a better HOOK lucky ball bowler #32 with Dann the CD born MAN on 6-04-22.#32 bowl video

2 years ago

I bowled with the lucky HOOK ball with 2 spiral 10lb Visa fun plastic balls with NO thump for total lift on the balls. the lanes were rally dry so I had to flaten my hand so the balls wouldn't over hook also had to loft the balls to take off hook because they were over hooking to the left or Brooklyn side to the left of the head pin a lot plus I had to stand way to the left & throw way to the left so they wouldn't way over hook most of the time. I bowled 30 games or 300 frames that way & still they over hooked. high game was my 28th game = 265, 6th game = 222, 18th game = 225, 25th game = 221. total pin count = 5656 / 30 games = 188 avg. 10 games 200 or more. to me the HOOK BALL is way too LUCKY of a ball for me. anything heavier then a 10lb ball is too hard to control over long periods of time & is vary hard on your hand. where as a 10lb ball I can almost have total control over way more games & throw all day & night long with NO problem.

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