18 - Will You Pass Your Test? - Can We Be Friends Now?

2 years ago

Download the Audio: https://bgb-media-books.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/CWBFN/Audios/18+CWBFN+-+Pass+Your+Test.mp3

Learn more at: http://CanWeBeFriendsNow.com

Check out these additional resources:

Learn more about the importance of “What We Speak” (Key #7) of “The 8 Master Keys To Unlock Your TOTAL Health”: https://www.wholelifewholehealth.com/healthy-body/8-keys/

Pick up some great tips from Barbara on how she passed her tests in “GOD is GOD and We Are Not”: http://bit.ly/2vtWNPF.
Find the Kindle Version here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00B8DML82.

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