Uneducated Cops. Worried About My Safety. Educated On Their Job. Shutdown. Naples. Florida.

4 years ago

This was on Monday January 11th 2021 at the Naples Police department in Naples Florida at approximately 10:18. Here I got a very quick reaction and more my speed. I didn't even focus on or get to the police station before the call came in over the radio for a man with a camera on the soith side of the department.

Within a minute or so they were swarming around me like bloodthirsty sharks. Or pigs that have not been fed in a long time waiting to eat my human Flesh. Soon 2 cruisers pulled up, 1 a little in front of me the other behind me in a 3rd a little down the street looking out after us. They pulled that can I help you with anything and concerned act.

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