Cuomo in Trouble, Johansson vs Disney, and Rapinoe Talking Too Much - On The Edge Podcast

3 years ago

We’re back with more current events coverage, there’s just SO MUCH going on!

00:30 - We start with a follow-up report on the Scarlett Johansson and Disney+ story and dig a little deeper into their contract and WHY Johansson is upset with them. In short, many star actors depend on box-office bonuses to cover their salary while accepting a lower up-front fee. With Disney releasing movies at the same time on Disney+, this really affects the Actor’s bottom line. Is this fair? Is it time to stop catering to people afraid to go to the theater? Is there a better solution?

11:48 - We move into Megan Rapinoe story that’s caught the nations attention, which has really just turned into a huge political mess. Is it making our country look bad or is it really just a non-issue? To me, this is one of those ‘you both can be right’ situations where I just don’t think you need to be taking sides. IN FACT, I think the Right is elevating her platform and visibility. I don’t particularly like her politics, but I like seeing America win at the Olympics. Honestly, we should really be talking about Tamyra Mensah-Stock and her amazing, patriotic, and passionate speech.

23:37 - Finally, and you knew I would go there, we talk about the New York AG Investigation on Governor Cuomo and the allegations of sexual harassment. Although at some point he was to be given an Emmy for his daily Coronavirus updates, he has taken several missteps over the years, in my opinion. As of now, he’s refusing to step down even though there is allegedly 75,000 pieces of evidence. I appreciate his right to keep his position before he is actually convicted, but it brings up the fact that there is a double-standard for politicians. Does he deserve to fall to the ‘Me Too’ movement without conviction?

I guess the moral of the whole podcast is that ‘Two things can be true at the same time.’


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