Finally Get Your Book Done with Amanda Botfeld - 06.06.22

2 years ago

TrulyYourVA with Janis was excited to welcome to today’s podcast, Amanda Botfeld. Amanda is a book coach who assists her clients to construct and write their books to tell their stories and build their brands.

Amanda was no stranger to writing, loved the process of writing and was very persistent in submitting her articles. At the age of 23, she was published in the Wall Street Journal. At the age of 24, she was published in the Los Angeles Times. When she turned 25, she signed her first book deal! Quite an amazing accomplishment!

She attributed not only her success but the success of her clients to be persistent and consistent and to spend as much time as possible. Amanda has her very own unique process through coaching her clients. She pointed out that everyone has a unique writing style and writing personality which requires individual attention.

Amanda’s book coaching goes beyond just coaching; it’s about an active partnership in accountability. She assists you in discovering your inner motivations and developing your vision. She provides you with a completely personalized strategy!

Why work with Amanda as your ​​book coach? Writing takes time, effort, patience and dedication. Amanda can assist you in developing your creative process and assist you with accomplishing your tasks!

As Amanda pointed out, writing a book - even a short ebook - changes people's perception of you, and helps entrepreneurs stand out in the crowded digital space. Although we chatted about Amazon, Amanda advised that there are other ways to market your book outside of Amazon. She can certainly coach you in this regard as well!

Amanda also shared some amazing tips on how to categorize your book if you are not ready to hire a book coach.

To connect further with Amanda and book your free consultation, please go to her website:

Have you ever wanted to write a book, schedule your consultation with Amanda today!

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