Heart Shaped Beef Steak vs Grilled Beef Ribeye! The Bearded Butchers

2 years ago

It's Valentine's Day so it's time for The Bearded Butchers to get in touch with their romantic side. If there's a lady out there looking for best valentines gifts for him, look no further. A heart shaped ribeye is the best gift and the best Valentine's Day food all in one.

You've got to try Brock Lesnar Blend Seasoning! https://bit.ly/34wSzvI

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Start by breaking out the rib section between the 5th and 6th rib. You've seen this many times so you should be able to follow along on a rib section breakdown by now. Fabricate the rib section on the band saw, or the hand saw of choice.

3:37 - That is a beautiful cut of beef

If you're following along, the big trick to how to make a heart shaped ribeye is to cut your steak twice as thick as usual, then butterfly it down the middle without cutting it completely in half. Depending how big your rib section is and how thick you cut them, you should be able to get at least 5 or 6 heart shaped ribeyes.

6:36 - Wondering what is Brock Lesnar Blend Seasoning? Seth explains! It's a combination of Brock Lesnar's favorite seasoning and Bearded Butcher Blend Original seasoning for a perfect meat seasoning that's great for ANY meat. You've got to try it! https://bit.ly/34wSzvI There's a lot more about Brock Lesnar Seasoning at 11:10!

7:23 - Scot has an actual beef heart recipe too! This just became a comparison between beef heart and heart shaped ribeye steaks! It's a cookoff! Watch Scott grill an actual beef heart starting at 10:34

8:01 - Heart Steak just turned into Heartbreak 😭

15:09 - How to make bacon wrapped asparagus and grill it!

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